Ronald Modra R.
Ronald Modra`s Legacy
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Thanksgiving for Ronald Modra’s life and death

Vera Lea’s prayer
Widow of Ronald Modra

Dear Lord, Our Heavenly Father;

Your apostle said:

"Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)

So dearest Lord, Master of Heaven and Earth, who knew my dear husband Ronald Modra’s heart and soul, I ask that You use me, his wife, to reveal Ronald’s heart to the people of Chile he loved. In the precious name of your Son Jesus Christ, please let Your will be done, the way You know is best.

How powerful is prayer to You, Lord! How it solves all things! “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” says Isaiah 30:15, and this indeed is what You are granting us who are left behind after Ronald’s passing. Thank You so much Lord.

The Source of Ronald’s compassion
And thank You Lord for reminding us that most of all Ronald wanted to be Your instrument, to look with Your compassionate eyes on hurting people, and to feel with Your compassionate heart for them. “The Lord is doing such a marvellous work through us!” he would often repeat. Always giving the glory to You, Lord, for without You we could do nothing.

A Natural Death
Thank You, Lord, that Ronald’s death was instantaneous; that his heart just stopped and he suffered no pain; that he was in my arms when it happened so suddenly, and that You gave me such soft assurance that this was how natural death was - an effortless passing from this life, where we are just short term travellers, into the next life with You.

Thank You especially, that You did not test me on the promise Ronald had asked of me long ago: that no matter what happened, I would not deliver him into the hands of the medical doctors to be tortured. Thank You for his friend René who wrote: “Amigo y compañero de ruta: incluso en la muerte fue consecuente - no necesitaba atención médica.”

The Jefe is the Same
Sometimes Ronald would point upwards and say: “I have a Jefe arriba, and I do what He shows me to,” especially when someone would praise him for being a good jefe in our business. Thank You Lord, that we are still under You as Jefe, and that our Gerente General has been promoted to be with You.

All of us who worked with Ronald now need you to keep showing us how to form a God-driven leadership group, in Your Name, Lord. Thank You for the overflowing communication we have found; for reminding us to pray to You, for giving us Your strength, and for opening up vision and direction. Also for thrusting the example of Deborah from the Book of Judges at us, showing how a woman can be raised up by God to form a group of leaders that the people are glad to follow! Thank you for accompanying me moment by moment.

What brought Ronald from Australia to Chile 15 years ago?
You did, Lord. For eight years Ronald kept asking You to show him where he could go to make a difference in any way You chose (because in Australia You were not allowing him to), and You kept indicating Chile; and we kept testing You Lord, until You just about hit Ronald over the head with that long map of Chile the Consul gave him in Sydney, and the other things the Consul said, which finally gave Ronald the assurance to go.

No language; only a modest sum of money behind us; a different culture - without You, Father, it could have been a total disaster! Yet Ronald saw through Your heart that Chile had a huge need to know about nutrition and information which would protect it’s people from sickness and reliance on the pharmaceutical poisons and chemicals which are killing us. Step by step You showed Ronald what to do, dear Father.

So many times You shielded us, Lord, from ruin! We could see that You allowed us to make mistakes that would teach us lessons, but not such big ones that would sink Your whole project. “The Lord has sent a very powerful angel to protect us!” Ronald would often comment to us over a meal, and “Look at what the Lord’s angel did this time!” as he recounted a certain happening that turned out well.

El Guardián de la Salud
Dear Father, help me to have wisdom in showing what really mattered to Ronald’s heart.

After You inspired Ronald seven years ago to start on a little periodical which could give vital life-saving information monthly at a modest, affordable price all over Chile, You made it prosper beyond our wildest dreams, Lord! We were not surprised, dear Father, because many prayers were made by Ronald and others over the content, to show how it could glorify You, Your creation, Your natural means of healing - El Guardián spoke of You, Lord, with every breath.

Many readers would contact us saying: “I read your paper because it is so obviously Christian,” even though we very rarely mentioned Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ.

Over time, we spoke more of You in each edition. Why? Because You, Lord God, brought Ronald to the realization that in order to have full radiant health, each human being, each one of the children of the Creator God, must get to know You, their Maker, and give their health, their talents, their very lives for You to direct. Yet how?

Buscando al Señor
Jesús dijo: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you,” (Matthew 6:33)

So for over a year in the Bible study groups on Sundays at 6 p.m. in the El Guardián seminar room, to which all readers have an open invitation, we struggled to know You, Father. Then, after a small group fasted and prayed beforehand for Your Spirit to protect and guide us, the light flashed on!

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13) With all our heart, Lord! Our heart, not our mind!

Thank you endlessly, Lord, for the way you then prepared my heart to have You live through me, as you had with Ronald, and to accept Your will gladly in everything, even that You took away my love, our children’s father, our beloved leader. Because You promise in writing to always love us and to lead us now.

Thank You that Ronald saw this and was exceedingly glad, before he passed. Thank You, Lord, for the resounding success of the Mud Therapy classes - now natural health really will be “within everyone's reach” as the technique of applying Your abundant earth to cure the body will start to propagate through all the homes of Chile; and thank You, Father, that You let Ronald see this and rejoice.

And we especially praise you dear Lord, for the strong men you have given our daughters at their sides, and for working in the lives of our sons. And for helping us all, in Your strength, not ours, to carry on Your legacy which You showed us through Ronald. We love You, Father. Please always be in our hearts.

Rejoice evermore.
Pray without ceasing.
In all things give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
(I Thessalonians 5:16-18)

In the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.   

And Jesus also assured us that: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

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